Saturday 26 November 2016

Book Of Eli: opening and closing scenes

Opening Scene

The first frame in the film is a bright white light, this is then slowly filtered into a close up shot of trees with a green filter on the camera, this gives the audience the feeling of suspense and makes them think that something bad is going to happen by the contrast from a bright light to the dark green. There is also a non- diegetic flash-bang as the light fades to darkness to add to the suspense. There is then an extreme close up of the arrow tip with a very shallow focus so that we concentrate on the arrow and the audience knows the man is about to fire and from the last two shots he is going to kill the cat, there is also no sound in this shot to further signify how silent this man is in his task and how good of a hunter he is. This is a low angle shot and shows the man getting up from his hiding place, the amount of dust and ash coming off him shows the audience how long he had been waiting for the cat and shows how patient the man is, there is a non-diegetic heroic sound to again signify how strong the character is. The man then walks over to the cat and we see a close up of him pulling the arrow out of it, there is a sickly sound of the arrow being pulled out, by the way the man treats the cat we know how important the catch is to him and how desperate he was to catch it.

Closing Scene

the closing scene of the book of Eli , religion plays a key part in the story due to the fact that Eli's book is actually the bible that he has been memorising for years however an unexpected twist is that Eli is blind. the high angled shot of the make shift Alcatraz library of historic books and artefacts that people have kept in preserving for history add an amount of elegance and intelligence to a place that contained the most wanted criminals in the US. However from a point of high shown by the high camera angles, Elis death presents lows as shown and emphasised by the low angled shots in many of the later scenes including, Mila Kunis, however when Mila Kunis is walking into the distance, she is rising high in the rule of thirds as she is the highest point as she is almost seen as the preacher who can guide the human race back to civilisation and as it says 'finish my friends journey.'