Sunday 26 March 2017

Evaluation Question 3

“What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?”

in the film industry there are three major corporations that control most of it such as universal, and Colombia which are the main studios. they provide funding and links with the cinemas that want to show their films in the cinemas. Also these big companies have the funding and rive to get there films global attention as they will also have the best cameras and actors and directors which obviously doesn't allow amateur films like mine get a headway in wanting a multitude of viewers to see what I have produced. The only film that ha a low budget from my research was 28 days later and all the info you need from that film including budget profit margin and rating is on my IMdB blog.

28 Days Later - was produced by FOX which is a less well known company in the film industry but does hold the rights to some marvel characters such as the fantastic four. Fox and I quote for this film wanted 'a director that can change the way people see post apocalyptic films and also they wanted to focus more on the storyline than get a big budget actor which can be seen in 'The Book of Eli' and 'I am Legend' both had incredible actors in Will Smith and Denzel Washington but am legend had the biggest budget and seemingly spent it all the CGI zombies rather than the production of it as '28 Days Later' used make up and real actors for there films adding real authenticity to it and captured the audience more which gives it the well deserved 5 star rating.

Fr an amateur film to be seen, they will have to go and show their film on social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter t help gather that attention from the audience and give them a platform to take it t the next level and all of these media sites can do this however if you really want to be seen then Nottingham for reference, do amateur film festivals where you showcase a miniature fil you have made and then you can get rewards and prizes for it including scholarships to film colleges and universities. This provides more of a solid platform in how to develop more films and also these companies hand out cash checks so that it provides you with more of a budget for your next film. Along with this they project your film to around 500 people who will also give you feedback on what they thought so that you know how to change a film into what the audience want so you can gain more of a following.

Saturday 25 March 2017

Evaluation Question 2

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In addition to this I have gone away from the male gaze as it didn't suit the effect that I wanted of having strong female characters and the male gaze doesn't allow that to come across. Also the consensus of the films we studied was that the main protagonists and antagonists were male which show inequality in the roles of gender in a post apocalyptic film where as, in my film the gender conventions are changed and the women lead the roles of the film and head the titles as I believe that this option allows the film to be more relatable as they are young females but yet it shows the journey on becoming mature as they have lost a lot and how they as teenagers can rebuild to form a bond with one another and take into consideration of survival and are physically more able to survive as they can journey and travel for longer making the action sequences and the tension a lot more vivid and create more emotion with the target audience as they will be more relatable to a  more diverse audience than what is usually viewing post apocalyptic films.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

openning - 28 Days Later

28 Days Later (2002)

The film opens to a series of poor signal broadcast footage (which maybe caused by background radiation,) and news reports showing destruction and chaos of cities to show the severity of the situation almost giving subconscious exposition to the film. There is also non-diegetic sound included, in this case it takes the form of muffled cries and startled reporters, accentuating the absolute chaos unfolding in these scenes. The erratic camera movements in this footage also helps to add to the chaotic atmosphere as they impose that there is much difficulty and danger in capturing the unfolding events that the public are being shown. Among the chaos there is also more non diegetic sounds included such as the stamping of the soldiers boots and the loud bangs from the explosions. This also contributes to the whole effect of complete chaos and also serves to add a sense of realism in these events while also discombobulating the viewer of the film. As the locations shown in the footage go from towns or multicultural cities, it implies to the audience that the whole world has been affected by something rather than just the United Kingdom which also develops the sheer scale of the events that have taken place and links with the news broadcast as the news is televised or heard in many languages across the globe. We are also shown scenes of brutal force used by policeman and armed forces in an attempt to control and condense the mayhem and keep it concentrated to a specific area we also see violent protesters breaking out in the streets, which may suggest to the audience that the events were caused by something that maybe experimental and a virus and against what many people believe. The use of the frantic news reports creates an atmosphere of suspense and mystery to the audience as the broadcasters don’t reveal why bombs are going off or why anarchy has expanded across the world, as instead they just report on the mass chaos that is happening.