Thursday 13 April 2017

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

From the research that I have done for my post apocalyptic film I know that the audience for y film through 'UGOV' is:
  • 16-25 year olds
  • From central areas such as the Midlands in the UK
  • Males
  • Earn around £20.000 a year
  • chicken is their favourite food
  • Like Tv show such as Game of Thrones and The walking Dead
To make sure that I get most of the attention from the target audience everything in the film was to link to what they like as then they can spread the word about my film to other people. Also as I have gone away from the male gaze to invite more of a female audience as the characters are strong female characters, who will appeal to women as in many post apocalyptic films the women are seen as trophies or sexual objects and it deters away a larger viewing audience, also the fact that the main characters are teenagers as a director you can't sexualise them for a males view as it seems very unethical and also takes a way from the more relatable aspect of their characterisation and will not have the same effect as what I wanted.

Also the thing that makes post apocalyptic films so interesting to the audience is the fact that it puts people in a situation where they re stripped of all their integrity and put in a situation where they have to trust in instincts that come from the nomadic prehistoric people or the tribes that still exist today using what nature has given us to survive. With in the characters that are two female protagonists ,to try and get more female viewers, and you can see how this new world can effect them in different ways either you can be resilient and work hard or you'll crumble going back to Darwin's theory of evolution. Ideally, the audience for my film would be everyone but you will always encounter critics and people who don't like the genre that's why I had to keep to the basis of the post apocalyptic genre by having a baron wasteland, differing character personalities and a final goal, so that it entices normal fan base but then it brings other people to see what I have created as they will tell it to there friends and they'll tell there's so it almost spreads like a wave across to others which will help me as I am an amateur film director.

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